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On January 23, 2017 Daninad07

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Public entry Standard Practice: Do most people Reading: Ponder, Understand, or Move On ?
November 20, 2016 @ 04:45:14 am
1/2 + 1/2 = reply or not reply Do most people Reading: Ponder, Understand, or Move On ? I suppose I'm doing all three, it's my post ! My life and living has always been from the most simplistically normal baseline to move forward ; get married , have kids, worka job and live that John Denver way,.. To not get bogged down with fret. If a person can be fearing in the mind then our body can do it, and our life can do it, and it can be seen if we ever shape our thinking. The aggressively"seeking for the normal life" doesn't always pan out because we shouldn't control others when we can but we're not in control of others either, or the situations, or crisis, or circumstances we ourselves feel are circumstances.Does anyone understand thus far ?
Let me stop a sec and share my thoughts on technology. How callous, out of date, what strategy is sought if I ponder today how much I want my compaq computer with its programs in year 2000 ? What must I be saying? It's 2016, my grandmother had service and give of herself in service to others outside the home and she did not encounter as people have to in this day and age!I'm not implying the solution, it was a century where there was observable improvements going on and possibly after the 1930's yet 30 more years to fully talk about and with a city anywhere in the country of the United States.I'm kind of right now feeling better than when starting this post and I feel kind of empty one reason cause I've not had supper but another ...I've had a lot on my mind. If I'm not going anywhere then it won't either and to me that is not fair because I've put forth effort. I know who I am, my personable self, but most likely my friends would have said, "she doesn't talk much and has a dry sense of humor".After my divorce and fighting with the forces that not only have a even or odd but an age to excuse the limlight, and then not to have a job, recovering from my ex putting something in my drink ( it took 3 years to quaintly reside with my mother before my body and mind healed and sure enough the night my out of highschool kids seen me leave and me telling them I was going to socialize , meet somebody, and shoot some pool, so I sort of kind of did ...I wasn't after an orgasm or anything but it just wasn't the best time I ever had so I went riding around, got pulled over, over 15 minutes later with the cop and myself getting my id out of the trunk and him telling me to get back in the car and making 3 trips to the car in total I drove off. After 18 ish months later going to court every month but maybe less a couple months (out of town)they threw me in prison but not before putting my in a cell with a lady who was hollering for them to move me because she was scared of what she might do and afterward I'd waited on the nurse several days and just as she was to open the door, the officer told her no that she didn't need the nurse. All that was 14 years ago, did not blow the illegal amount of booze but paid the court appointed attorney and etc. for him to only have one game plan and that was to an incompetent one. Presumably due to the affiliation with the prosecutor and their state institutions [non learning]. All the time I have spent trying to be married, have and raise kids, and not one of the three men wanted to share their America. I was very closed minded and maybe not heard any either of them or maybe I was asleep or it just wasn't in the nick of time.
The only year there was technology was year 2000. Nothing since then. Til next time
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