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"Reclaiming Our Culture.......Slavery Page-American History

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Spinkiegirl On August 18, 2018

Chicago, Illinois
#1New Post! Jun 12, 2011 @ 04:49:12 I was working today, and noticed this link in an e-mail I use for general history and American political research and gathering historical factual information regarding history events and American slavery documented facts and some historical records and such..
white_swan53 On October 07, 2020

n/a, New Mexico
#2New Post! Jun 12, 2011 @ 05:00:02
@Spinkiegirl Said I was working today, and noticed this link in an e-mail I use for general history and American political research and gathering historical factual information regarding history events and American slavery documented facts and some historical records and such..

I don't understand ,
What is it that you use ? an email or the link ?
if it's the link what was different about it that caught your attention? if it's the email , how can an email help in research ?
DorkySupergirl On November 02, 2017

, Canada
#3New Post! Jun 12, 2011 @ 05:50:41
@white_swan53 Said

I don't understand ,
What is it that you use ? an email or the link ?
if it's the link what was different about it that caught your attention? if it's the email , how can an email help in research ?

She found the link in her email. The email she found the link in is the email she uses to collect information about history.
white_swan53 On October 07, 2020

n/a, New Mexico
#4New Post! Jun 12, 2011 @ 06:51:44
well what ever it is she means , it's a darn good link.
Spinkiegirl On August 18, 2018

Chicago, Illinois
#5New Post! Jun 15, 2011 @ 19:51:30
@DorkySupergirl Said

She found the link in her email. The email she found the link in is the email she uses to collect information about history.

Kudos! And thank you my got EXACTLY what I meant in my OP!!!! You know you f***ing ROCK don't you??
Spinkiegirl On August 18, 2018

Chicago, Illinois
#6New Post! Jun 15, 2011 @ 20:27:13
@white_swan53 Said

I don't understand ,
What is it that you use ? an email or the link ?
if it's the link what was different about it that caught your attention? if it's the email , how can an email help in research ?

What is it White_swan, that you "don't understand?" I mean you yourself said in a post below, that it was a good link. What I was saying in my OP was simply revealing my many tools and resources at my convenience and disposal of where and how I research and gather factual info on the topics I posted in the OP. E-mails sent to me either at work or home, that contain links and historical facts and events which I use most of the time, when I come to one of my e-mails...which because I work in an office as well as at home from time to time, I can comfortably rely on where my info is coming from. That's all. "What was different about it that caught my attention?" It was the something that was proved to be factual, creditable, and more than anything, it was something I learned that I always believed to be something I had long suspected!
shinobinoz On May 28, 2017
Stnd w Standing Rock

Wichita, Kansas
#7New Post! Jul 03, 2011 @ 18:15:29
Slavery evolved in america during colonialization (invasion!!! )
At first those that were indentured or imprisoned (often for the most petty crimes), and those that could not afford the fare over were "slaves" for 2 years (mainly for fare) and seven years for other reasons. After their term they were released.

Britain started to realize that they were losing a big chunk of a free work force and the colonialists were outgrowing the free labor here so the push began for black slaves to fill the needed niche. At first they were also released from servitude after seven years- but good 'ol capitalism thought said "why pay for something for 7 years that you can have for life?"

Thus exceptions had to be made to law to allow for keeping blacks enslaved throughout their entire life. One of those changes was to state that being baptized as a christian did not make your soul the same as a white soul to prevent blacks from seeking release.
Loosely worded from what I read in:
Discovering Columbus: The next 500 years
Spinkiegirl On August 18, 2018

Chicago, Illinois
#8New Post! Jul 03, 2011 @ 23:52:56
@shinobinoz Said

Slavery evolved in america during colonialization (invasion!!! )
At first those that were indentured or imprisoned (often for the most petty crimes), and those that could not afford the fare over were "slaves" for 2 years (mainly for fare) and seven years for other reasons. After their term they were released.

Britain started to realize that they were losing a big chunk of a free work force and the colonialists were outgrowing the free labor here so the push began for black slaves to fill the needed niche. At first they were also released from servitude after seven years- but good 'ol capitalism thought said "why pay for something for 7 years that you can have for life?"

Thus exceptions had to be made to law to allow for keeping blacks enslaved throughout their entire life. One of those changes was to state that being baptized as a christian did not make your soul the same as a white soul to prevent blacks from seeking release.
Loosely worded from what I read in:
Discovering Columbus: The next 500 years

Very interesting Bro......and to think, some say blacks are LAZY!!!
shinobinoz On May 28, 2017
Stnd w Standing Rock

Wichita, Kansas
#9New Post! Jul 04, 2011 @ 04:50:08
@Spinkiegirl Said

Very interesting Bro......and to think, some say blacks are LAZY!!!

Lazy was the slave owners taking credit for the work of their slaves.

Kind of like the 'ol story of the first T.V. remote controls.
One man says to his buddy's during the football game.
We never had remote when we were growing up! Just how fricken lazy can you be?
If I want to change the dang channel I'll just tell one of my kids "Boy go change the channel"!
Willi On August 21, 2018

#10New Post! Jul 04, 2011 @ 05:10:19
i'm an equal right enslaver.
when i rule, i want all kindsa slaves.
DuLu On January 11, 2017

Waverly, Washington
#11New Post! Jul 04, 2011 @ 05:18:59
another one bites da dust, what I say goes.
Do as I say, not as I do - the best rulers' creed.
Willi On August 21, 2018

#12New Post! Jul 04, 2011 @ 05:22:58
@DuLu Said

another one bites da dust, what I say goes.
Do as I say, not as I do - the best rulers' creed.

remember kick em when the're down.
best time.
shinobinoz On May 28, 2017
Stnd w Standing Rock

Wichita, Kansas
#13New Post! Jul 04, 2011 @ 15:36:46
Kick 'em when their up!
Kick 'em when their down!
Kick 'em when their up!
Kick 'em all around!

Give us dirty laundry!
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