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Glenn Beck Pulls Back on "Obama Racist" Statement

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someone_else On August 30, 2012
Not a dude.


American Alps, Washington
#46New Post! Sep 03, 2010 @ 14:17:38
@squirt_aka_casey Said

Have you seen the Team N-word Team R-word skit yet?

Can't say that I have....

I'm trying to figure out what the R-word is. I'll have to look that up.
boxerdc On December 18, 2012


#47New Post! Sep 03, 2010 @ 14:37:54
@someone_else Said

Here's an interesting little snippet. I haven't watched the clip here, but I'm watching it on TV right now. So uhh..I think it got it all.
The Daily Show re: Fox News and \'The Mosque of Terror\' !

I have to say that that's brilliant.

The part owner of FOX news is the same evil guy who wants to help fund the mosque near ground zero..
squirt_aka_casey On April 21, 2018
BCW-Ant Destroyer

That place, Ohio
#48New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 02:01:38
N-word R-word Debate

Not quite as good as Team Stupid vs. Team Evil but, it's still has it's highlights like:

John Oliver: Please, Retard is way more offensive.
Wyatt Cynac: Really, way more offensive than what?
John Oliver: Then, uh, then your word.

tickyette On May 07, 2012

Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin
#49New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 02:34:10
I love all of the daily show Glenn Beck moments where John Stewart would talk about Glenn's anatomy. X'D

Wait? How could he say that Obama has a hate for white people when his mother was white? Didn't him and his mom have a close relationship
squirt_aka_casey On April 21, 2018
BCW-Ant Destroyer

That place, Ohio
#50New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 02:40:24
@tickyette Said

I love all of the daily show Glenn Beck moments where John Stewart would talk about Glenn's anatomy. X'D

Wait? How could he say that Obama has a hate for white people when his mother was white? Didn't him and his mom have a close relationship

I think that it may be a desperate attempt to make a correlation between Obama and Hitler being that Hitler hated all Jews but his mom was one and they were close, so the pattern repeats only with Obama and white people......

Type O said it best:

@Kill All the White People by Type O Negative Said

Kill all the white people.
Then we'll be free.
we'll be free.

Kill all the white people
Kill all the white people,
Kill all the white people
Kill all the white people.

Then we be free
Then we be free
We be free.

Kill them all men
Kill them all.

Then we be free
Then we be free,
Then we be free
Then we be free.

Then we be free
Then we be free,
Then we be free
We be free.

Ooh power
Black power
Destroy white boy.

Yo violence ain't necessary

Love that song...
tickyette On May 07, 2012

Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin
#51New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 02:54:07
@squirt_aka_casey Said

I think that it may be a desperate attempt to make a correlation between Obama and Hitler being that Hitler hated all Jews but his mom was one and they were close, so the pattern repeats only with Obama and white people......

You know, that actually makes a lot of sense. I don't like Glenn Beck at all. He does seem desperate.
squirt_aka_casey On April 21, 2018
BCW-Ant Destroyer

That place, Ohio
#52New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 03:03:52
@tickyette Said

You know, that actually makes a lot of sense. I don't like Glenn Beck at all. He does seem desperate.

He does, they all do. All I hear out of the extemist on either side is "fear this fear that", "if you don't agree with this, then the world will end"

Here's the truth...

The population of Praying Mantises are here to eat our souls.

Not really, but I'm really scared of those stupid little creatures

P.S. I'm a little ADD tonight
Junkyard_Jim On August 30, 2011


Norristown, Pennsylvania
#53New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 03:13:22
@squirt_aka_casey Said

I think that it may be a desperate attempt to make a correlation between Obama and Hitler being that Hitler hated all Jews but his mom was one and they were close, so the pattern repeats only with Obama and white people......

Type O said it best:

Love that song...

@tickyette Said

You know, that actually makes a lot of sense. I don't like Glenn Beck at all. He does seem desperate.

@squirt_aka_casey Said

He does, they all do. All I hear out of the extemist on either side is "fear this fear that", "if you don't agree with this, then the world will end"

Here's the truth...

The population of Praying Mantises are here to eat our souls.

Not really, but I'm really scared of those stupid little creatures

P.S. I'm a little ADD tonight

Bit of a stretch there. Beck never compared Obama the person to Hitler the person, and Beck did not imply that Obama would attempt genocide against any portion of the American population. You may not like him, but c'mon, the guys a political pundit, and thats it. Beck does not like Obama's policies, plain and simple. He's not making Obama a tyrant.
squirt_aka_casey On April 21, 2018
BCW-Ant Destroyer

That place, Ohio
#54New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 03:25:55
@Junkyard_Jim Said

Bit of a stretch there. Beck never compared Obama the person to Hitler the person, and Beck did not imply that Obama would attempt genocide against any portion of the American population. You may not like him, but c'mon, the guys a political pundit, and thats it. Beck does not like Obama's policies, plain and simple. He's not making Obama a tyrant.

What Glenn Beck are you watching. So yeah, he doesn't out right say Obama is Hitler (like many people have done) However, he fully grasps at any similarities between the two on a regular basis.

He continually compares this administration to the Nazi's (also, in a sense calling Obama Hitler because they are the lead of both respective groups) and he likes to call Obama a socialist (not true) then go on and on about how Hitler was socialist, also, not fair because Germany is a socialist country, the whole place was... not just Hitler!!
Junkyard_Jim On August 30, 2011


Norristown, Pennsylvania
#55New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 03:53:15
@squirt_aka_casey Said

What Glenn Beck are you watching. So yeah, he doesn't out right say Obama is Hitler (like many people have done) However, he fully grasps at any similarities between the two on a regular basis.

He continually compares this administration to the Nazi's (also, in a sense calling Obama Hitler because they are the lead of both respective groups) and he likes to call Obama a socialist (not true) then go on and on about how Hitler was socialist, also, not fair because Germany is a socialist country, the whole place was... not just Hitler!!

I can't agree. I understand you have a strong opinion, and Beck has made comparisons of things associated with the Obama Administration to Nazi symbols. Beck is a Libertarian and any socialist or progressive political machine is going to come under fire from Libertarians. If you condemn Beck for this, you have to be ready to paint his supporters, too.

You have every right to dislike Beck. I'm OK with that. Beck has every right to make any comparison he wants that Obama (to Beck) has socialist tendencies or is a socialist by ideology. Its his right in this country, as its Obama's right to have his ideology.

The vothers will decide in the end.
squirt_aka_casey On April 21, 2018
BCW-Ant Destroyer

That place, Ohio
#56New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 15:02:21
@Junkyard_Jim Said

I can't agree. I understand you have a strong opinion, and Beck has made comparisons of things associated with the Obama Administration to Nazi symbols. Beck is a Libertarian and any socialist or progressive political machine is going to come under fire from Libertarians. If you condemn Beck for this, you have to be ready to paint his supporters, too.

You have every right to dislike Beck. I'm OK with that. Beck has every right to make any comparison he wants that Obama (to Beck) has socialist tendencies or is a socialist by ideology. Its his right in this country, as its Obama's right to have his ideology.

The vothers will decide in the end.

How can you be about "maximum freedom and minimal government" and say Abortion should be outlawed and gays should not marry? Most libertarians that I know are really just extreme right wing elites who have no clue what "minimal government" really should be.

Our government is here to protect our rights as Americans and to uphold the constitution. The Preamble sums where the governments place is and how it's there to protect every person\'s rights.

I want my rights protected. I want to be able to say what I want and I hope to have the wisdom to say things that are not so outlandish they cannot possibly true. Heck, I'll even stand up for Beck's right to the first Amendment, but here's the thing, he paints Obama, his administration and his supporters as similar to the socialist Nazi party because he's afraid of what? Everyone in America being able to exercise the right to be healthy and happy? And it's not so much that Beck is the problem as it is that people out there genuinely believe them as full on truth.

If anything, the belief structure of the Libertarian party is more socialist than Democratic because it's whole purpose is to take back rights for the American public by taking big brother out of the equation past what the founding fathers wanted. This means that every person has the right to land (socialism) health (socialism) work (socialism) and the ability to live comfortably (socialism).

I just want to be protected. I want to have a choice in what and how I do things, and I want every other American out there to have those same freedom of choice.

Choice, my friend is a GOD given right to the human race. We were given free will by God and no other person has the ability to take that away. What we choose to do is between each person and God in the end.
Junkyard_Jim On August 30, 2011


Norristown, Pennsylvania
#57New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 15:15:32
@squirt_aka_casey Said

How can you be about "maximum freedom and minimal government" and say Abortion should be outlawed and gays should not marry? Most libertarians that I know are really just extreme right wing elites who have no clue what "minimal government" really should be.

Our government is here to protect our rights as Americans and to uphold the constitution. The Preamble sums where the governments place is and how it's there to protect every person\'s rights.

I want my rights protected. I want to be able to say what I want and I hope to have the wisdom to say things that are not so outlandish they cannot possibly true. Heck, I'll even stand up for Beck's right to the first Amendment, but here's the thing, he paints Obama, his administration and his supporters as similar to the socialist Nazi party because he's afraid of what? Everyone in America being able to exercise the right to be healthy and happy? And it's not so much that Beck is the problem as it is that people out there genuinely believe them as full on truth.

If anything, the belief structure of the Libertarian party is more socialist than Democratic because it's whole purpose is to take back rights for the American public by taking big brother out of the equation past what the founding fathers wanted. This means that every person has the right to land (socialism) health (socialism) work (socialism) and the ability to live comfortably (socialism).

I just want to be protected. I want to have a choice in what and how I do things, and I want every other American out there to have those same freedom of choice.

Choice, my friend is a GOD given right to the human race. We were given free will by God and no other person has the ability to take that away. What we choose to do is between each person and God in the end.

Look, I respect your opinion. I cannot share it, though. Libertarians are by now stretch of the imagination socialists. Gay marriage and abortion are modern day events that did not impact the early nation in the way they do today. Gay marriage does not bother me, but I am not an abortion proponent. My choice, my opinion based on many things, but both are situational to lifestyle choices that the involved person fuels by personal choice. So putting them into the rights arena is something no one considered in 1776. Consequently, they get there by legal maneuver and court ruling. Must we abide if the ruling is in favor, absolutely.

Freedom of choice is not something that appears in the Constitution. Again, you have to achieve that by showing legal reasoning and get the court to agree. That is where we are whether the proponents like it or not. There is something in the original Founders writings that mentions something about the "majority" which seems to be something liberal thinkers dismiss as some kind of anomaly that some screwy Founder inserted.
Junkyard_Jim On August 30, 2011


Norristown, Pennsylvania
#58New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 15:20:31
@squirt_aka_casey Said

How can you be about "maximum freedom and minimal government" and say Abortion should be outlawed and gays should not marry? Most libertarians that I know are really just extreme right wing elites who have no clue what "minimal government" really should be.

Our government is here to protect our rights as Americans and to uphold the constitution. The Preamble sums where the governments place is and how it's there to protect every person\'s rights.

I want my rights protected. I want to be able to say what I want and I hope to have the wisdom to say things that are not so outlandish they cannot possibly true. Heck, I'll even stand up for Beck's right to the first Amendment, but here's the thing, he paints Obama, his administration and his supporters as similar to the socialist Nazi party because he's afraid of what? Everyone in America being able to exercise the right to be healthy and happy? And it's not so much that Beck is the problem as it is that people out there genuinely believe them as full on truth.

If anything, the belief structure of the Libertarian party is more socialist than Democratic because it's whole purpose is to take back rights for the American public by taking big brother out of the equation past what the founding fathers wanted. This means that every person has the right to land (socialism) health (socialism) work (socialism) and the ability to live comfortably (socialism).

I just want to be protected. I want to have a choice in what and how I do things, and I want every other American out there to have those same freedom of choice.

Choice, my friend is a GOD given right to the human race. We were given free will by God and no other person has the ability to take that away. What we choose to do is between each person and God in the end.

As you can see, The Freedom of Choice Act is an Act, not a constitutional right and it is restricted.
squirt_aka_casey On April 21, 2018
BCW-Ant Destroyer

That place, Ohio
#59New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 15:46:15
@Junkyard_Jim Said

Look, I respect your opinion. I cannot share it, though. Libertarians are by now stretch of the imagination socialists. Gay marriage and abortion are modern day events that did not impact the early nation in the way they do today. Gay marriage does not bother me, but I am not an abortion proponent. My choice, my opinion based on many things, but both are situational to lifestyle choices that the involved person fuels by personal choice. So putting them into the rights arena is something no one considered in 1776. Consequently, they get there by legal maneuver and court ruling. Must we abide if the ruling is in favor, absolutely.

Freedom of choice is not something that appears in the Constitution. Again, you have to achieve that by showing legal reasoning and get the court to agree. That is where we are whether the proponents like it or not. There is something in the original Founders writings that mentions something about the "majority" which seems to be something liberal thinkers dismiss as some kind of anomaly that some screwy Founder inserted.

Fair enough, however, the "majority" is something that neither the right or the left wings ever respect if it's not in direct agreement with them.

And, so you know, the Libertarians were founded in 1971. They actually have some ideals that I can fully support. And truthfully that was about when Roe V. Wade was heating up so, in all truthfulness all these are relatively "new" situations. Gay marriage the newest of them all.

Choice though, was the whole point of much of the Constitution. Freedom of religion means that I get to CHOOSE how I believe in the deity of my CHOOSING. Alright, maybe you have me on it's the Bill of Rights that gives us those things as opposed to the Constitution, but, to me, they are all the same document.

Actually, thanks to this debate, I'm learning and relearning quite a bit about the Constitution that was forgotten and so forth, so this is really quite awesome!

Side question, are you not a proponent to abortion, or are you not pro-choice. There is a huge difference. Do you know how many people out there are pro-choice, but their choice could never be to actively seek out and obtain an abortion themselves (me included in that), or do actively help those in bad situations seek a better choice. I'm by far not a proponent of abortion, however, a woman should be able to choose what to do with her body, the government has zero place there.
squirt_aka_casey On April 21, 2018
BCW-Ant Destroyer

That place, Ohio
#60New Post! Sep 04, 2010 @ 15:47:54
@Junkyard_Jim Said

As you can see, The Freedom of Choice Act is an Act, not a constitutional right and it is restricted.

I don't limit choice to just abortion however, and this Act was put in place because a woman should get the right to choose based on previous right to choose in the Constitution.
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